29 January 2011


C'mon CyclePunx!


strumac said...

Hi Matt:

I'm your neighbor -- the tall guy with the Xtracycle and the son who rides to school with me. One of *my* resolutions this year is to try to get something like this: http://www.streetfilms.org/ciclovia/
....(the link is to a film about the car-free streets on Sundays in many Latin American cities like Bogota, or Quito, or Mexico City) started in Tacoma! I'm trying to contact all the bike fanatics I know to see how we might start. Maybe just with a group ride, slow pace, including families and kids, along Pacific Avenue one Sunday?

Hope to hear from you,

Matt in Tacoma said...

This sounds great, Art! Please send me an email and we can set a time to chat about it. I know plenty of folks from many biking circles in Tacoma who would likely help out. (matt newport gmail)